What we do
Direct/Full time Staffing Services
We understand finding a great match is more than a set of skills or a job description. We partner with your hiring team to identify technical needs, cultural fit, and future company goals.
We're able to find hidden talent ready for their next career progression while at the same time allowing your team to move business forward and focus on the tasks at hand.
We'll work together throughout the process, from initial presentation, interviews and the offer/acceptance phase. We'll continue to provide ongoing support and share our expertise as your team grows.
Hourly Recruiting Services.
Offering end-to-end and job-specific recruitment that includes:
Building detailed job descriptions for each position.
Developing a thorough sourcing and networking plan for the harder to place positions.
Coordinating and posting all open positions on internet job boards.
Making the “cold” calls to find the passive candidates.
Screening all resumes and applications.
Submitting qualified candidates to hiring managers.
Scheduling candidate interviews in concert with in house staff.
Coordinating and negotiating offers of employment.
Building and maintaining candidate pipelines for recurring roles.
Weekly progress reports updating status for all job openings.